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Book 3 Update

October 23rd, 2015

Hey folks,

So here’s some (potentially) good news. After a very hectic and irritating summer, things have finally settled down. I have a new job that at least allows me to sleep like a semi-regular human. It still eats up a lot of time, but now that our son is in school I’ve been able to actually work on the new book every day this week. If that trend continues, maybe I can be productive again.

The bad news is that the book is very far behind schedule. Right now, I’m supposed to submit it to Pyr by the end of next March. I’ve got my fingers crossed that I can meet that deadline, but life has been too turbulent for me to make any promises that far down the line. But I can promise I’ll work my ass off trying to reach that goal.

Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm for this series. It means everything to me.

Manuscript Turmoil

February 1st, 2014

Hey gang,

I almost had a heart attack this week (not literally). I woke up with the realization that my manuscript had a glaring logic hole and then spent a couple days frantically trying to patch it. Happily, though, a solution came to me. The best part is that the resulting new scenes add (I hope) a lot of energy to the middle of the book. So, win-win.


With some luck , I hope to hit the 100k-word mark by the end of next week. I’m guessing the first draft will then be about half done, maybe a bit more.

Update on Book 2

August 25th, 2013

Hey folks,

Just wanted to fill you in on my latest progress. After a couple months of chasing my creative tail, this weekend has been monstrously productive. The outline for book 2 of the Black Earth series is just under 13k words, and I feel like I’m getting a good handle on the story.

Some stories just occur to me like mana from heaven, but others have to wrestled and beaten into submission. It actually reminds me of when I was outlining Shadow’s Lure. And maybe that’s good news, because I think Lure marks a place in time when I made a big leap forward in my writing.

Anywho, thanks for listening.



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