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Book 3 Progress

January 9th, 2015

So, as those of you who follow my facebook author page probably know, I’ve had some setbacks with this next book (the third in the Black Earth series). Twice now I’ve gone back to rework the plotline. This second time the reworking is rather significant. I’m changing the entire trajectory of the story.


I’d just like to explain a bit. This (massive changes to the plot) doesn’t happen to me very often. Actually, it hasn’t happened in over a decade, well before I was published. I think I know the reason. Or one reason.


I used a new plotting system this time around. The Snowflake Method. I’m not making a value judgment about it one way or the other. For me, it had a serious advantage: I constructed my initial plot outline with it in about one month, which is about 1/3 as long as it normally takes for a novel.


But now I’m seeing a pretty big flaw (again, from my perspective) — the plot the method helped me to construct is not the story I really want to tell. It’s sound at first glance, with all the elements a book needs. But as I started the actual writing, the outline felt stale and stilted.


So, I’m starting over. Never fear, I don’t think it will push back the book’s release much at all. At least, I hope not. I won’t know until I’ve got a complete first draft, and that’s a long way off.


But thanks for reading. Wish me luck.



Update on Book 2

August 25th, 2013

Hey folks,

Just wanted to fill you in on my latest progress. After a couple months of chasing my creative tail, this weekend has been monstrously productive. The outline for book 2 of the Black Earth series is just under 13k words, and I feel like I’m getting a good handle on the story.

Some stories just occur to me like mana from heaven, but others have to wrestled and beaten into submission. It actually reminds me of when I was outlining Shadow’s Lure. And maybe that’s good news, because I think Lure marks a place in time when I made a big leap forward in my writing.

Anywho, thanks for listening.



Series Update

July 24th, 2013

Hey folks,

As many of you may know, I was working on the outline for Book 2 of the new series (The Book of the Black Earth) last January-Feb. Well, I got the chance to go back and iron out some things in the first book, so that’s what I’ve been doing since then.

The good news is that book one should be (I hope) a better novel because of this polishing (which included adding a new scene). The bad news is that it set back work on book 2 by a few months.

But never fear. I’m now getting back to the sequel outline. Of course, it’s difficult to pick up where I left off, but I’m slowly making progress. I’m very excited to share these new books with you all — I can’t WAIT for March ’14 to arrive.

Thanks for listening.

Oh! And I’ve seen the artwork for Book 1. I can’t share it yet, but let me tell you, it’s fantastic.

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