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Hey, I’m on Patreon.

August 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone.


As you might have seen from my social media posts, I’ve made a page on Patreon. It’s a service that allows people to pledge money to their favorite artists (those of us who don’t yet make a living wage through our art). I think of it as an investment into my future. Anyway, please read the page (“Why Jon Sprunk is on Patreon.”)

Check it out at Thanks!


June 3rd, 2015
Book of the Black  Earth #2

Book of the Black Earth #2

Today the second volume of my Book of the Black Earth series was officially launched. I hope you’ll check out Storm and Steel when you have the chance.

Storm and Steel (ARC) giveaway

May 8th, 2015

You can enter to win a free ARC of STORM AND STEEL on Goodreads. Ends 5/11.

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