You are currently browsing the archives for the “goodreads” tag.

Storm and Steel (ARC) giveaway

May 8th, 2015

You can enter to win a free ARC of STORM AND STEEL on Goodreads. Ends 5/11.

Love for the Shadow

August 22nd, 2014

According to Goodreads, SHADOW’S SON (my first book), has more than 2600 ratings, 148 text reviews, and is currently being read by 42 people. I know those aren’t “George RR Martin” numbers, but they astonish me. Thank you to everyone who has supported me by buying my books, writing reviews, spreading the word, etc… You’re all awesome.

Shadow’s Son Chugging On

December 7th, 2011

Hey gang,

I see that Shadow’s Son just crossed the “300 ratings” milestone on Goodreads. Even better, it’s managed to keep a 3.5-star average. Thanks to everyone who has read it, and to those who took the time to rate/review it.

In other Shadow news, I just finished the copyedits for Shadow’s Master and sent it back to the publisher. Still hoping we’ll see it on the shelves in early-to-mid spring 2012.

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