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Short Stories

December 13th, 2013

I took a little trip down memory lane today and realized I have 7 published short stories. That isn’t a lot compared to many writers. However, I’ve only written ten short stories aimed at publication in my lifetime. So, I’m batting .700 — not too shabby for a guy who really doesn’t spend much time on the short form.

And I have to tip my hat to Will Horner, editor-in-chief at Fantasist Enterprises, who gave me my first break. (He’s also my webmaster and a hell of a guy.)

Kickstarter for Fantasy

June 22nd, 2010

Hey folks, I want to tell you about a worthy cause. William Horner is the editor/owner of Fantasist Enterprises, a small press dedicated to producing quality SFF books and anthologies. FE was the first venue to publish my work, years ago, and now they are looking for donations so they can keep producing great stuff.

Please visit their page on

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