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2014 Schedule

January 10th, 2014

These are the places I’ll be showing my ugly mug this year. I’ll update for book signings and such as the year goes on, so check back.


Susquehanna Comics — Book Signing (March 22, noon-5 pm)

Pennwriters Conference (May 16-18)

Balticon (May 23-26)

Confluence (July 25-27)

DragonCon (Aug 29-Sep 1)

World Fantasy Convention (Nov 6-9)

Balticon Wrap-Up

May 31st, 2011

This past weekend was my first Balticon (in Baltimore, MD). I had a blast. It’s very much a writers and readers convention, with some big names and plenty of smaller, regional authors like yours truly.

Everyone was very friendly, as if usual for a SF/F con. One of my agents, Joshua Bilmes, was also there, and it was great to soak up some free meals from him. I also met Elizabeth Moon for the first time. She’s much friendlier than you’d think a big-time author would be.

Also there was Myke Cole, who shares an agent with me, and who’s debut novel, Control Point, comes out next February. Myke is a great talent, and we had several great conversations.

If you live in the region, you should really check out this con.

Award Finalist

March 8th, 2011

Hey folks,

Just a quick note. Shadow’s Son is a finalist for the Compton Crook Award, given out at Balticon each year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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