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2014 Schedule

January 10th, 2014

These are the places I’ll be showing my ugly mug this year. I’ll update for book signings and such as the year goes on, so check back.


Susquehanna Comics — Book Signing (March 22, noon-5 pm)

Pennwriters Conference (May 16-18)

Balticon (May 23-26)

Confluence (July 25-27)

DragonCon (Aug 29-Sep 1)

World Fantasy Convention (Nov 6-9)

Confluence 2011

July 25th, 2011

This weekend was my first time at Confluence, a small-but-mighty SFF convention held in Pittsburgh, PA, but I’ve vowed to return next year and for the foreseeable future. The answer why is simple: Confluence has a powerful sense of community. At most conventions, the organizers are nebulous figures scarcely glimpsed in the background as they hurry from place to place. At Confluence I ran into the Kevin Hayes and Karen Yun-Lutz several times, and they both made time to just shoot the breeze with me.

The authors invited are very approachable. This year’s Guest of Honor was the uber-SF writer Robert J. Sawyer, who was as personable and friendly as he is accomplished (and that’s saying something).

I did three panels, a book signing, and a reading, and I think I made a good showing at them all. Still not used to reading out loud in public, but I’m slowly getting more comofortable.

If you live anywhere close to PA, I suggest living Confluence a look next year.

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