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New Things

October 13th, 2011

A blog is a dangerous thing.

Back in the old, old days, whenever I started a new writing project I would sequester myself in my den, working feverishly by the dim light of my computer monitor, completely alone. It would be months before even my wife (always my first reader) saw any of the fruits of this labor, and then months (or years) more before the outside world got a taste.

Now, it’s so tempting to just spew my burgeoning ideas into the ethers of the Net. But I will resist.

What I can say is that I love the process of creation. When it comes to writing, I’m a planner. I want to know everything before I commit to actual writing: the setting, the characters, the story. But most of all, I want to know the Big Answer– what is this book (or series) going to be about?

For my next series (I mentioned it was going to be a series, didn’t I?) I have the Big Answer. Or I should say I have My answer, because when you read these books you might have very different ideas about them. And that’s healthy for both of us.

So enough about my crazy ideas. For you writers out there, what do you need to know before you start writing a new story?

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