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Blood and Iron Excellence

April 7th, 2014

Excellent new review of BLOOD AND IRON on Fantastical Imaginations.

Call to Arms

March 31st, 2014

Blood and Iron coverHey folks,

I’m immensely grateful that so many of you have bought copies of my new fantasy novel, BLOOD AND IRON.

If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, I completely understand. We’re busy! It happens. But now is a great time to pick it up, either in trade paperback or ebook. (Pyr Books puts out GREAT e-versions of their books.) It doesn’t matter where you get it. I’ve posted some buy links at the bottom of this message.

If you already have your copy, then I hope you’ll post a review on Amazon, B&N, or Goodreads. (All three would be stellar!) Reviews REALLY help a book gain traction in the market. They don’t need to be overly long or intricate like they were written by literature professors. A simple “I loved this book because _____!” is wonderful.

“But, Jon, other people already said they liked the same things I liked about it. I don’t want to repeat them.”

YES! Repeat them. A signal gets stronger with repetition. If one person says they liked the characters, that’s nice. If a hundred people say it, that’s a message!

If you’ve already reviewed it, then you are awesome! You can also help spread the word on social media like facebook and twitter. Tell your friends and family. Word-of-mouth is the absolutely essential to a book’s popularity.

I know this is a lot to ask. After all, it’s just a book. But it means the world to me. Also, be assured that I am working hard on the sequel. I think you’re going to like it, and more than a few of you are going to be surprised by where it takes our friends Horace, Alyra, and Jirom.

Thanks again and be excellent to each other.


Barnes and Noble:


Indie Bound:

Book Depository:

More Good News for Blood and Iron!

March 24th, 2014

Buzzfeed has picked BLOOD AND IRON as one of their 13 Reasons Why 2014 May Be the Best Year for Fantasy in the 21st Century. Wow… I’m shocked and thrilled to even be mentioned in the same place as these authors.

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