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November Update

November 25th, 2011

Hey sports fans,

Well, I’ve officially begun my new series. The outlining is (mostly) done, and this week I started actually writing. And it feels great. I admit I’m a little rusty. It took me all week to put out 2k words, which is slow (for me), but I’m getting back into the rhythm. And things should pick up next week.

Also, Shadow’s Master (book 3 of the Shadow Saga) is going through the various publication hoops. It’s with the copyeditor now, I believe. When she’s done, I’ll get it back for corrections, and then I probably won’t see it again until I get my author’s copies, sometime next spring.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Peace.

Third Book Submitted

October 3rd, 2011

It is with a tired sigh that I announce the manuscript for Shadow’s Master has been officially submitted to my publisher. The last twelve months have been both a labor of love and a long trek through the writing wilderness, but I can say without hesitation that I’m very proud of the final product.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Revising Shadow’s Master

September 28th, 2011

I’m a good way through revisions for my third book (yay). I’m hoping to have it all wrapped up in short order and send it along to the proper authorities.

As always, revisions are a bittersweet experience for me. You hope you’re making the right changes, and not missing any vital problems. At the same time, you are altering the fabric of your universe with every keystroke.

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