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Revision Update 07-10-14

July 10th, 2014

Tonight I’m starting the first of a series of new scenes for STORM AND STEEL. Feels good to be writing again instead of revise, revise, revise. Don’t get me wrong, I love revising, too, but there’s something about creating new material that gets my blood pumping.

Revision Update 6.8.14

June 8th, 2014

Revision update for Book 2 in the Black Earth series.

Currently I’m working on the plot structure. This kind of “big picture” revising makes my head hurt, but I can see where the plot gets away from me toward the end of the manuscript. (That last act always gives me problems.)

Now I just to come up with a good solution and implement it.

Sequel Update

May 5th, 2014

A little update on the next book in my Black Earth series. I am officially in the revision phase. Right now I’m re-reading the first draft and taking lots of notes. I hope to finish the read by the end of the week, and then I’ll move into the re-writing phase. I’m sick tonight, but still trying to get a little work done.

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