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Rocking Out in Hershey

August 17th, 2011

My wife treated me to a concert in nearby Hershey last night. After dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, we got into the arena a little late (thanks to the f***ed-up parking system used by Hersheypark), so we missed about half of Night Ranger’s 30-minute set.

We were a little bummed, but then Foreigner came out and lit the place on fire. I was a bit of a fan back in the day, but I’d never seen them in concert. Wow. If you get the chance, go see them. They are getting rather old, it’s true, but they still put on one hell of a great show. Very passionate about their music and it shows.

The main event was Journey, which Jenny and I had seen three times previously. We both love the music, but I’m sorry. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, Steve Perry is Journey. New frontman Arnel Pineda has a nice voice and is improving his stage presence, but he just doesn’t possess Perry’s soulful power.

Anyway, it was an enchanting evening. The rain stayed away, and I had my best girl with me. Rock on.

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