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Steel City Con Report

March 8th, 2011

Last weekend I was a guest at the Steel City Con in Monroeville, PA. The coordinator, Dominic Alessandria, and his staff put on a very impressive event. There were scores of booths selling all sorts of collectibles, comics, old movie posters, and original artwork. I was, I think, the only author there.

My table was right across from Adam West, the original Batman, and a replica of the show’s Batmobile–the biggest draws at the con. So I got a lot of traffic past my table. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the right crowd for a fantasy novelist. I signed a few copies of Shadow’s Son, but not a lot. Still, it was a cool experience. Lots of toys and people in costumes.

The highlight for me was meeting Melissa from “My World…in words and pages,” who has been very supportive of my book in her blog. She lives near Pittsburgh and made the drive out, which was completely awesome.

My next convention is the Pittsburgh ComiCon (April 15-17).

Interview at

February 24th, 2011

Hey sports fans,

Check out the brand-new interview I did with here.


New Lure Bookmarks

February 19th, 2011

I just received some bookmarks for Shadow’s Lure to take to signings and conventions. Big thanks to the staff over at Prometheus/Pyr Books. They look outstanding (again).

(Sorry the picture appears sideways. Blogger is acting weird.)

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