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Win an ARC!

May 16th, 2011

Advanced Reading Copy. It’s an early version of a book that the publisher sends to people in the industry before it comes out in stores.

I have ONE arc of Shadow’s Lure, and I’m giving it away. Now, it won’t be signed because it’s going to be mailed directly from the publisher, but… I think it’s still a nifty gift.

How do you win? Easy. Just reply to this post before midnight on May 30th, 2011. Include your email address. On May 31st I’ll draw a winner at random and announce it here.

Good luck.

Shadows from the British Isles

April 27th, 2010

Today I received a very cool package in the mail from my agent: two brand-new ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) of Shadow’s Son! Thanks, Eddie, and thank you to everyone at Gollancz.

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