Hey folks,
It feels like I haven’t touched base in a while.
The manuscript for Shadow’s Lure (book 2 of the Shadow Saga) has passed the copyedit phase and should be in the final production phase, which is the actual printing. I’ve been told that we’re shooting for a mid-June release. I have some plans for the time around release, but I’ll wait until closer to June to reveal just what they are.
The manuscript for Shadow’s Master, book 3, is progressing well. I figure I’m about halfway through the first draft. Lots of ideas flowing (good ones, I hope).
As far as conventions, my strategy this year is to hit a lot of local ones, rather than one big con. This weekend I’m headed to Pittsbugh for the Steel City Con (with special guest Adam West). And next month I’ll be attending the Pittsburgh ComiCon. My website (www.jonsprunk.com) has the full list. Hope to see some of you.
Thanks, Elicius. I’m looking forward to Martin’s book, too.
Joe: Yes, it’s up on my main website (www.jonsprunk.com). Scroll down the first page.
Jon, do you have your “tour schedule” up? I’ll check and see if you’re swinging near my neck of the woods.
This summer is shaping up to be pretty awesome with both you and GRRM bringing out books I’m dying to read. Wicked!
Thanks, DRC. I’d really love to tour this country and yours, as well as all the other places the books are being published. Maybe someday I’ll reach that level with support like yours.
It’s a shame you’re not attending any conventions in the UK. I would have come along then.
Congratulations on your continued success…