Greetings, Part II

November 24th, 2009
Category: Uncategorized

Howdy. I’m transferring all the blog entries from my website ( to this page. This is the very first:

Hello, folks!

First, I’d like to thank everyone for tuning in. For this first post, I don’t have a long spiel, except to say that I feel very thankful to be finally breaking into the ranks of published authors. I have been reading fantasy/scifi since I was quite young. I started with novels like ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘Kothar and the Wizard Slayer’ (thank you, Gardner Fox). I suppose my writing is a natural extension of my love for those early books. I often dreamed of publishing my own stories, but it wasn’t until a small press by the name of Fantasist Enterprises accepted my short story, ‘The Artist,’ that I got my first taste of professional credit. I published two more stories with FE, and a couple elsewhere, but the entire time I yearned for the real prize: a novel.

I’d written three books before ‘Shadow’s Son.’ I pitched two of them at conventions to various agents and publishers, got some inklings of interest, but always the inevitable rejection. (The first book I ever wrote to completion is, as they say, the book of my heart. I don’t know if it will ever see publication, but it’s passages and themes are never far from my thoughts.)

Anyway, when Lou Anders (Pyr Books) offered me a tenative deal for ‘Son,” I was over the moon. I’d dreamed of that day for so long, I didn’t really know how to react. Except to thank Lou profusely, and then call my wife at work to share the news. She cried.

After that, events proceeded at a whirlwind pace. Before I could blink, my agent (Eddie Schneider of JABberowkcy) had negotiated a three-book deal for the entire Shadow Saga. Lou was talking about some artists he was considering for the cover art. There was the dreaded Author Questionaire to fill out for the PR department.

Then came the rewrites. I won’t lie. Upon submission, some part of me considered ‘Son’ to be complete as-is; perfect in every way. I suppose most authors must feel this way. Otherwise, how could we ever send our babies out into the cruel world? But once I read the publisher’s notes (and my agent’s notes — he had some ideas as well), I understood what they were saying. So, I dug in. Fortunately, it wasn’t as painful as I had feared. The changes didn’t require me to rewrite the entire book from front to back. And, as I worked, I found a few other places that could use improvement. Finally, my work completed, I submitted the new and improved manuscript to Eddie, and he passed it along to Pyr.

That was a week ago. I’ve heard that Lou is reading it between his many other projects (the man is a machine). So what now? Well, I’m back to work, working on the next book. The pressure is on. Writing isn’t just a hobby now, it’s a profession, and one I intend to perform well.

Anyway, that’s enough for now. I’ll try to keep this blog going on the regular. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think.

— Jon

  1. This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 at 12:45 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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